Well, PhD applications are in and now it is just a matter of waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I hope and pray that I get in somewhere, but I know things will be OK if I don't. Ordination is on the horizon (God willing) and there will (God willing) be a job at a church for me somewhere up here, be in part time (for PhD plan) or full-time (for not that plan). We've started getting job notices in the weekly mailing for the Berkeley. And I keep seeing these great youth and young adult jobs coming up. Only one is in a part of CT that is way too far for me to drive to work (3.5 hours) and the other is in Pensacola (and that would be a Diocesan job!). It's frustrating to see all of these coming and me being unable to respond to them except to think "nope, can't do that." I'm not saying I'm mad at my situation--I love Rick, and he has a house and a good job. Those are things that cannot be given up in today's economy, and now that Rick is finally doing the job he went to his company to do in the first place, he should revel in it! Not to mention that there are tons of churches up here. I just keep telling myself that all of these are coming up for other people, and that God really will show me some paths sometime soon. I guess I'm just hoping they're paths that I want, which is the problem, isn't it? Vocation isn't about what I want, it is about responding to the deepest needs of the world, as Beuchner put it, and that doesn't always involve our exact desires. Yes, your vocation must feed you, but it's not a self-vanity thing. I just have to be aware of that. And my boss at chapel has told me that a person willing and wanting (even better) to do young adult and youth work, I should have no problem getting a job.
So phew. The search is on. I hopefully hear from PhD programs in mid-February, which is when they usually start giving positive replies. Right now I just feel very up in the air, because I don't know what kind of job I'm looking for (PT or FT). Hell, Rick and I can't even discuss insurance for next year because we don't know if I'll be in school or at a job somewhere. Sheesh. My entry into the job market begins...now I just have to find something.
Other than that, today was the first day of the semester. Had a good class, which has now been moved to Wednesdays (this doesn't effect my ability to change it). I have no class on Mondays and Fridays this semester, which will be awesome. I have an oral presentation on a 300 page book next Wednesday, but I took that date because A. it's on John Donne and who wouldn't want to present on him? and B. I can get it out of the way now, and all I have left in that class will be a short 4-6 pp paper and a 20-25 pp paper. Shouldn't be too bad. And ISM. I've picked up more on that research, and am meeting with my partner in crime on Friday to plan our presentation. At this point I just want to pass it and get it over with. Because two days after that...I'm off to England! Woohoo! Haven't been back since I studied abroad in 03, so this will be good. We're going to Canterbury for the most part, but we'll be in London for a day (which is where I studied), and I think we have a free day. Alot of people are going to Cambridge, since we have an exchange there, but if it's a free day I'm going to go somewhere else. I've been to Cambridge (liked Oxford better, actually) so I would like to use this opportunity to go somewhere I haven't been. Or go to London and explore some more...who knows! Any suggestions?
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