Monday, May 04, 2009


Hey there. I don't have too much time to write, because I should be doing some research. Just thought I would let you all know that I'm still hanging in. It's finals week, and I have an 8-10 page paper and a final left, and then I'm DONE with master's number two. Wootwoot. Also, I'm hopefully lining up some job prospects. I have at least one interview this month, with two more possibilities. We'll see. Rick and I went to one of the churches this past week and liked it. It was a little bit chaotic (I felt like there was very little sense of cohesive movement among the congregation at times like communion) but the people were friendly and the rector could do a great baptism. So that's good.

Other than that...we're getting more excited about the wedding. We registered at Sears on Sunday. Woohoo! Still have Walmart and Lowes left to register at, but we'll probably do those this weekend. Once classes are done I can finish packing up everything (I'm about 1/4-1/3 of the way there) and try to sell my car. Then home to KY for a few days, then back here for a couple of weeks, then back to KY for the summer until the wedding. Phew.

I'm reading a good book right now. I think it will be the first post in my book postings on this blog.

Also, I'm stoked that the new Star Trek comes out this week. Simon Pegg is in it, and Rick and I both really like his stuff (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Run Fatboy Run) and maybe just maybe we'll go see it at the drive in on Friday night!

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